Fatigue in our modern day lives

We are all run ragged by what social commentators refer to as ‘the breakneck pace of life’, or the 24/7 society that never sleeps.

What research points to, is our inability to switch off and relax, either because of internal anxieties or those placed upon us by a boss, by society or by all of these things. The new technological age that was supposed to bring us freedom by allowing us greater flexibility is, in fact, slowly working to destroy us.
It is as if we have made a pact with the devil. We’ll work at home but we’ll do so until 1.30am. We can leave the office at 7pm on a Friday – although we’re too tired for a movie – but it means we’ll be looking at and responding to emails on Sunday. Once at home, we are often too tired for guests or for dinner out (restaurants now mean seeing people texting and tapping BlackBerries, a nauseating sight when you are trying to have a rare work-free supper yourself).
When we do climb the stairs to bed, our heads fuzzy with wine and useless Friday-night television, we have trouble sleeping. Sex is off the agenda, because, yes, we’re too tired for that, too.

Statistics bear this out. Only recently, a survey commissioned by Legal & General found that 42 per cent of the 5,000 people asked said that lack of quality sleep was their biggest health concern, followed by 34 per cent worrying about low-level, general fatigue. More than a quarter said they were stressed and another quarter admitted to depression.
It was concluded that working long hours, bad diet and irregular eating patterns [lifestyle], combined with not seeing enough of friends and family is about to threaten our health.
These statistics confirmed those produced less than three weeks earlier by the Chartered Management Institute, whose ‘Quality of Working Life’ report showed that more than half of us experience feelings of constant tiredness at work and even more of us suffer from insomnia.

‘Many of my patients experience a deep sense of shame about their feelings,’ explains Dr Nick Read, author of Sick and Tired, and a consultant physician and psychoanalytical psychotherapist who works to help people cope with exhaustion and other illnesses that have no clear cause or pathology. ‘They feel they are failing and fear that people might see that they might be failing. We are all absolutely terrified that if we don’t just carry on we might be sacked.

The main cause of Fatigue explained:

Fatigue, a major complaint in our society, basically comes from an acidic body.

The toxins produced in an acidic body reduce the absorption of proteins and minerals. This will then weaken the body’s ability to produce enzymes and hormones interfering with the reconstruction of cells and other necessary components of energy production. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, an inability to add muscle tone, and general weakness. This acidic body state can also be the precursor for some of the more deadly diseases in our modern westernised lifestyle.

Some other signs of an acidic body; yellow smelly urine, irritability, gas, indigestion, heart burn, headaches, sore eyes, foul smelling stools, bad breath, sore gums and teeth, allergies, aches / pains and nightmares.

So what can we do?

Answer: eat four parts alkaline to one part acid and this should maintain your bloods pH level at 7.365. When this balance is maintained micro organisms such as pleomorphic virus, bacteria, yeast (Candida), and fungus will de-evolve back to their original healthy state. This can take some time months or years (Depending on the length of time spores have been growing uncontrolled), but with the right diet, lifestyle and supplementation advice this can be dramatically reduced.

What to eat?

Some Alkali forming foods – millet, omega oils, carrots, dates, celery, cucumbers, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, soy beans, walnuts, soy beans, tofu, lima beans, turnip tops, peppers, beet tops and many more…

Some Acid producing foods – butter, margarine, eggs, veal, fish, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, prawns, lobster, oysters, whole wheat, rye, cheese, milk, sour cream, yogurt, mushrooms, coffee, tea, sweets and others…..

It is not that you are unable to consume these foods, or that you can only eat alkali forming foods to live a healthy, disease free life. But you may consider balancing out your diet if you do have signs of an acidic body.

Other factors including lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking may also contribute to an acidic body pH.

Guide to Getting Lean and Staying Lean, Visit plantbasedrunners.com blog

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